Master Robert DeAngelis
Co Owner and Chief Instructor
Master DeAngelis is a Fourth Degree Black Belt in Moo Duk Kwan and has been involved in martial arts since 1980. He has trained in boxing, Isshin-Ryu Karate, Kendo. Certified through the United States Chanbara Association and and trained with Dana Abbot. He holds a Fourth Degree Black Belt in Moo Duk Kwan. He received 2013 Excellence in Teaching The Martial Arts Award , 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Goodwill Ambassador of the Martial Arts Through Action Martial Arts Magazines Hall of Honors.

Master Jan DeAngelis
Co Owner and Chief Instructor
Master DeAngelis has been involved in martial arts since 1973. She is a Fifth Degree Black Belt . President of Lady Dragons Association , an Agent for The National Security Alliance Kid's Safe Network, Certified through the United States Chanbara Association. 2016 Certified through the CDC Bully Prevention Program, and FEMA Active Shooter program "what you can do". Awarded 2015 Golden Lifetime Achievement and 2016, 2017 and 2020 Ambassador of Goodwill by Action Martial Arts Magazine Hall of Honors
Honored with 5th Degree Black Belt by Grand Master John Null Dec. 23, 2019

Master DeAngelis
Master DeAngelis has studied a variety of East Asian Philosophies and martial arts since the early 1970's. He is a 5th Degree Black Belt in Moo Duk Kwan which he began studying in 1987. He has also been certified as an AWSDA rape prevention instructor. His favorite saying is, "The greatest master of the martial arts can destroy an enemy by turning him into a friend."

Sensei Rusty Henry 2nd Degree Black Belt Head Instructor West Hanover Location. He is a great asset to our school and an awesome teacher
Sensei Andrew Rossetti1st Degree Black Belt Instructor Hershey Location. He is great with the kids classes and Shares his many skills with the adult class as well.
Sensei Ximena teaches at
West Hanover and at our Hershey Location. She is great with all ages and loves to share her skills.
Sensei Andrew Brown 2nd Degree Black Belt shares
his many skills and talent
with students at our West
Hanover Location. He is
great instructing all ages.
Sensei Hannah is a 1st Degree Black Belt and works with our Youth classes at our Hershey Location. She is great with all ages.